Roofing companies are as old as time as they provide a fundamental service required by property owners. However, the way each roofing company is found by the right customer base has evolved radically. This is largely due to the evolution of marketing and with it, consumer behaviour.

Studies have shown that 85% of consumers search online before making a purchase or procuring a service. The same is true for roofing companies, people look online first.

Some might argue that billboards, newspaper, or magazine adverts, and even radio and television are great mediums for advertising. But their reach is largely unmeasurable, whereas online mediums of advertising have a target audience reach of 95%. This translates into a significantly higher ROI. Meaning effective commercial roofing marketing can now be achieved in a cost-effective and measurable way via the world of digital marketing.

Whether a roofing company has a well-established customer base, or they are freshly starting out; investing in roofing digital marketing will be greatly beneficial. Why?

Therefore, every roofing businesses must tap into the immense potential of digital marketing.

But how to best market a roofing company? And what tools are most effective in creating a valuable online presence?

1. Create a Stellar Roofing Website!

This may seem obvious, but the importance of a well-designed website should not be overlooked. The roofing company website is the potential clients first impression of the type and quality of the services offered. And in order for the website to be an asset to the business, it must meet the following criteria:

2. Apply Roofing SEO

Being seen is everything. Especially on the first page of a Google search.

And a great website is only as valuable as the customer base it reaches. SEO plays an important part in ensuring that the roofing company is seen by a customer searching for roofing solutions. Search engine optimisation involves creating content that improves the roofing website to increase its visibility, thereby attracting prospective clients. Simply put, SEO is one of the leading drivers of organic traffic to the roofing website.

So how exactly does it work? And why is it so important?

Every day, more than 3 billion searches are done on Google alone. And most users (almost 68%), don’t click beyond the first 5 results of a search. So, the importance of a website to be more visible than its competitors is paramount. This is where SEO makes all the difference.

Although there are more than 200 different criteria that search engines like Google factor in when ranking websites, the most significant factors are related to:

SEO for roofing contractors includes on-page optimisation, curating quality content, off page optimisation and building brand integrity. All of this results in an increase in traffic which creates increased revenue.

3. Utilize GMB and Local SEO

Google My Business is an essential tool in marketing that can generate leads which could translate into exposure, sales, and revenue. By creating a listing of the roofing business on Google, the GMB tool allows virtually unmatched interaction with potential customers that could boost company credibility.

For it to be most effective, the GMB tool must be managed and optimised by employing all the features it has to offer. Here’s why:

These tools increase brand visibility on relevant searches thereby providing greater leads and sales.

4. Invest in PPC’s

Pay-Per-Click advertising is an affordable and measurable marketing strategy in which advertisers only pay each time a user clicks on their ad. This guarantees an increase in roofing leads by almost 20%.

PPC’s such as Google Ads help build the online presence of the roofing business and markets the roofing services available to genuinely interested users.

That’s not all. Through the tenaciousness of remarketing, PPC’s ensure the roofing services remain topmost on consumers’ minds. Remarketing works by specifically targeting visitors of the website and reminding them of these services through targeted ads via other online platforms.

5. Create Informative Blogs on Roofing

Blog posts are great to introduce quality content to a roofing website. This in turn leads to an increase in leads which results in an increase in sales.

Well written blogs are those which are interesting and informative. The blogs should aim for fresh user focused content which provide users with answers to common roofing questions such as “What is flashing?” or “How long does it take to install a new roof?”. By answering these queries and providing roofing solutions, the website can create brand trust and foster customer loyalty. In fact, studies show over 60% of consumers are willing to make purchases based only on blog posts.

And by creating content that is focused on the users’ needs, and aiding them in better understanding the roofing process, blogs can maximise roofing SEO and generate leads and eventually, conversions. Win, win, win.

6. Use Email- 59% of respondents say their purchase decisions were swayed by email marketing.

Compared to other digital marketing strategies, email may seem almost passé. Not true! Email remains a powerful resource for roofing marketing. Why? Because:

Emails are like dispatching roofing business flyers into customer mailboxes but in a much more personalised way. They offer greater user engagement and generate increased brand visibility and sales.

Creating email lists of existing clients is also great for advertising promotions, marketing new services, or even acting as reminders for scheduled roof inspections. Ultimately the goal of being seen and hired is accomplished.

7. Exploit Social Media

When it comes to roofing digital marketing, no stone (or shingle) must be left unturned. And that applies to social media platforms as well. Online platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are important and powerful tools to reach potential customers.

By customising the company’s social media pages, it is possible to create a unique brand personality that attracts target audiences.

The roofing company could distinguish themselves with unique content including promotions, giveaways, and team profiles. It may also be used to establish a solid reputation in roofing by posting pictures of completed projects. All these serve to increase user engagement and customer interaction.

These roofing digital marketing strategies are proven to increase leads, create sales and grow the customer base. All of which essentially boosts brand value and credibility.

If your roofing business is looking to do the same, contact the team at Serendipity! We specialise in bespoke SEO services and digital marketing for roofing companies in London.