Digital marketing has forever changed the face and scope of the marketing world; and it’s clear as to why. As of April 2022, over five billion people around the world use the Internet, that’s at least 63% of the global population.

Brands and business owners have therefore rightfully realised the incredible range offered by digital marketing, and its potential to help expand their businesses by reaching an ever-growing and ever-evolving audience.

And despite being a relatively ‘new’ mode of marketing, the internet marketing realm (already) includes social media marketing, paid marketing, email marketing, blog writing, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), web design and website optimisation, just to name a few. And in order to fully obtain the benefits of all of these different mediums, your marketing team must be well-versed in all these arenas.

This is where digital marketing agencies come in – providing a full service, dedicated marketing team to handle your entire online presence and help expand your business up to 3x faster. In fact, the right digital marketing agency will:

Want to know how exactly digital marketing agencies can help expand your businesses? We’re breaking it down below:

1. Building brand awareness

With digital marketing, brands and business owners can build brand awareness and a community of loyal customers. This is because effective online marketing allows your business to be seen by the right audience.

Marketing strategies such search engine optimisation, pay-per-clicks ads, influencer marketing, user generated content, and topical content (also known as moment marketing) are proven methods to widen your audience. They also generate interest and leads that can eventually be translated into sales and profits.

2. Engaging with existing and potential clients

Online marketing allows businesses the unique opportunity to connect directly with existing and future customers and engage with them. This is priceless for both large, established brands and small businesses, as companies can know exactly what clients require through referrals and online interactions.

Social media marketing, Facebook ads, and email marketing are all effective tools by which you can reach and interest your target audience. Similarly, PPC’s and remarketing strategies allow you to generate valuable leads that can then be converted to sales.

And because customer retention is just as important for business growth as is increasing the client base, content marketing such as blog posts and videos that answer a client’s pertinent questions, are invaluable tools that help you to retain and engage with current and potential customers at the same time.

3. Generating traffic to your website

Digital marketing agencies provide specialised SEO (search engine optimisation) services that are crucial to increasing organic traffic to your website. These dedicated services help ensure that your website, and related content, rank high on search engine results pages (SERPs), and thereby, the ultimate goal of being seen is achieved.

The strategies implemented may range from redesigning and optimising your website to generate leads, to creating useful blogposts and implementing keyword research. All of which play a pivotal role in determining the success of your website.

Email marketing is also an essential tool to boost your website’s traffic and rankings. Email marketing allows you to reach your customer’s inbox directly and keep them updated on new offers, products, services, and promotions. This not only boosts engagement, but also helps enhance your off-page SEO through link-building.

Email marketing campaigns also help brands and business owners build a stream-lined lead-generation funnel to attract quality leads and boost conversion rates.

The best part is that through google analytics and other services, companies can actually track website traffic and conversion rates. This helps brands and business owners judge whether they are obtaining a high return on investment (ROI) and driving business growth.

4. 24/7 automated marketing

The internet is always alive and that means your online presence should be too. Taking advantage of digital marketing services for your business ensures 24/7 marketing for your brand through your website, blogs, social media pages, and paid marketing campaigns.

A digital marketing agency will help you to create customised digital marketing strategies for all these platforms, including creating and posting content, while also tracking your growth and website traffic. This takes the stress off business owners and in-house marketing team members as well.

5. Ensuring high ROIs

Digital marketing is one of the best ways to ensure high ROIs for your company. Brands and business owners can generate higher revenues faster and build a more sustainable client base through online marketing campaigns. This is because it is a much more cost-effective and results-oriented mode of marketing than traditional methods, such as TV, billboards, and newspaper advertising.

It also has the potential to reach a larger and more targeted audience. Through years of experience, digital marketing agencies know exactly how to reach your specific target audience and make the best use of your resources. Your agency can also provide a month-on-month report of how business is doing online to determine the efficacy of different marketing strategies.

6. Leveraging all aspects of your online presence

Digital marketing includes many different elements that need to work together like a well-oiled machine to give you the best results.

Digital marketing agencies have the professionals on-hand to optimise your online presence in all aspects, whether that be Instagram, SEO, influencer marketing, YouTube, Google Ads, or blogs. Plus, a reputed agency will have the experience backed by handling countless brands to know exactly what needs to be done to help expand your business.

Having a digital marketing agency on board helps you stay one step ahead of other businesses as digital marketers possess the agility and know-how to keep up with new trends in the digital marketing arena. A few examples are: the recent emergence of Tiktok as a marketing platform, the continuously evolving google and Instagram algorithms, and events that go ‘viral’ online on a daily basis.


The benefits of digital marketing are well-documented. It is a targeted, cost-effective, and measurable means of reaching your customers; and through the evolution of its different mediums, its potential is virtually limitless.

The advantages of a digital marketing agency are the same, but better. Employing a digital marketing agency allows you the incredible opportunity of reaping all the benefits of online marketing through customised strategies that perfectly complement your business. Because it’s not enough to have knowledge of these marketing approaches, you also need to have the experience and expertise to create an effective digital marketing campaign that is guaranteed to boost your business.

No matter your business or brand, hiring a digital marketing agency is the fastest and most-effective way to increase your reach and grow your business. So, trust the professionals. Exploit their expertise. And see your business boom.

If you are looking to expand your business and triple your growth, contact the incredible team at Serendipity Int. today! We specialise in creating exceptional marketing strategies that are tailor-made to help your business thrive and flourish exponentially!